Cô Moon Nguyen – thủ khoa thạc sĩ Ngôn ngữ học tại Mỹ – hướng dẫn cách phát âm tiếng Anh chuẩn 2000 từ tiếng Anh căn bản từ A đến Z
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ A
Chữ A | |||
a/an | able | about | above |
act | activity | actor | actually |
address | adult | advanced | adventure |
aeroplane | afraid | after | afternoon |
against | age | aged | ago |
airport | alarm clock | album | all |
alone | along | already | alright |
a.m | amazing | ambulance | among |
angry | animal | another | answer |
anymore | anyone | anything | anyway |
apartment building | apple | appointment | area |
around | arrive | art | article |
ask | assistant | at | attractive |
available | away | awful | across |
again | air | almost | always |
anybody | advice | apartment | armchair |
autumn |
accident | ad | advertisement |
afterwards | agree | all right /alright | also |
an | any | anywhere | arm |
artist | aunt | add | and |
as |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ B
Chữ B | |||
baby | back | backpack | bad |
badminton | bag | bake | ball |
banana | band | bandage | bank |
baseball | bat | bath | bathing suit |
bathtub | battery | be | beach |
bear | beard | beautiful | because |
bed | bedroom | bee | before |
beginner | beginning | behind | believe |
below | belt | beside | best |
between | bicycle | big | bike |
biology | bird | birth | birthday |
bit | black | blackboard | blanket |
blond | blood | blouse | blue |
board game | boat | body | boil |
book | bookcase | bookshelf | bookshop |
boot | bored | boring | born |
boss | both | bother | bottle |
bowl | box | boy | boyfriend |
brave | bread | break | breakfast |
bright | brilliant | bring | broken |
brown | brush | build | building |
bus | business | businessman | businesswoman |
bus stop | busy | but | butter |
by | bye | badly | balloon |
barbecue | bathroom | bean | become |
begin | belong | better | bill |
biscuit | block | board | boiled |
bookstore | borrow | bottom | brain |
bridge | brother | burger | bus station |
buy |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ C
Chữ C | |||
cabinet | cafe/café | cafeteria | cake |
call | camel | camera | camp |
campsite | cap | capital | can |
cannot | car | card | career |
carefully | car park | carpet | carrot |
cartoon | case | cash | castle |
catch | cathedral | CD | CD player |
cell phone | cent | centre/center | centimetre/
centimeter |
cereal | certainly | chain | chair |
channel | chat | chatroom | cheap |
cheese | chef | chemist | chemistry |
chess | chicken | child | chilli |
chocolate | choose | cinema | circle |
city | class | classical | classmate |
clean | cleaner | clear | clearly |
click | climb | climbing | clock |
close to | closed | clothes | cloud |
clown | club | coach | coat |
cola | cold | colleague | collect |
colour | comb | come | comfortable |
company | competition | complete | computer |
congratulations | contact | conversation | cook |
cookie | cooking | cool | copy |
correct | cost | costume | could |
countryside | course | cousin | cover |
crazy | cream | credit card | cricket |
crossing | crowd | crowded | cry |
cupboard | curry | curtain | customer |
cycle | cycling | calendar | camping |
candy | careful | carry | cat |
ceiling | century | change | check |
cheque | chips | circus | classroom |
clever | close | cloudy | coffee |
college | comic | concert | cooker |
corner | country | cow | cross |
cup | cut |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ D
Chữ D | |||
dad | daily | dance | dancer |
dancing | danger | dangerous | dark |
date | daughter | day | dead |
dear | decide | deep | degree |
delay | dentist | department | department store |
describe | desert | desk | dessert |
detail | diary | dictionary | die |
difference | different | difficult | digital |
digital camera | dining room | dinner | dinosaur |
diploma | dirty | disco | discount |
discuss | dish | do | doctor |
document | dog | doll | dollar |
dolphin | door | dot | double |
down | download | downstairs | Dr |
draw | drawer | drawing | dream |
dress | dressed | drink | drive |
driver | driving licence | drugstore | drum |
dry | duck | during | DVD |
DVD player |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ E & F
Chữ E | |||
each | ear | early | earn |
earring | easily | east | easy |
eat | egg | electric | electricity |
elephant | elevator | else | |
empty | end | engine | engineer |
enjoy | enough | enter | entrance |
envelope | eraser | especially | euro |
even | evening | ever | every |
everybody | everyone | everything | everywhere |
exactly | examination/exam | example | excellent |
except | excited | exciting | excuse |
exercise | exhibition | exit | expensive |
explore | explain | explorer | extra |
eye |
Chữ F | |||
face | fact | factory | fail |
fair | fall | family | famous |
fan | fantastic | far | farm |
farmer | fashion | fast | fast food |
fat | father | favourite | feel |
festival | few | field | file |
fill | fill in | film | final |
finally | find | find out | fine |
finger | finish | fire | first |
first name | fish | fishing | fit |
flat | flight | floor | fly |
fog | flower | foggy | follow |
food | foot | football | footballer |
for | foreign | forest | forget |
fork | form | free | French fries |
fresh | fridge | fried | friend |
friendly | from | front | fruit |
full | fun | funny | furniture |
further | future |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ G&H
Chữ G | |||
game | garage | garden | garlic |
gas | gas station | gate | geography |
get | get fit | get off | get on |
get up | gift | girl | girlfriend |
give | glad | glass | glasses |
glove | go | goal | gold |
golden | golf | good | good afternoon |
goodbye | good evening | good-looking | good morning |
good night | go out | grade | gram |
grandchild | grand(d)ad | granddaughter | grandfather |
grandma | grandmother | grandpa | grandparent |
grandson | granny | grape | grass |
great | green | grey | grilled |
grocery store | group | grow | grow up |
guess | guest | guest – house | guide |
guidebook | guitar | guy | gym |
Chữ H | |||
hair | half | half-price | hall |
hand | handbag | happen | happy |
hard | hat | hate | have |
have got to | have to | he | head |
help | her | here | hers |
herself | hey | hi | high |
hill | him | himself | hip hop |
his | history | hit | hobby |
hockey | hold | holiday | home |
homework | headache | headteacher | health |
healthy | hear | heart | heating |
heavy | helicopter | hello | honey |
hope | horrible | horse | hospital |
hot | hotel | hour | house |
housewife | how | however | hungry |
hurry | hurt | husband |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ IJK
Chữ I | |||
I | ice | ice cream | ice skating |
ID | ID card | idea | identification |
if | ill | immediately | important |
improve | in | include | including |
indoor | indoors | information | in front of |
insect | inside | instead | instructions |
instrument | interested | interesting | international |
internet | into | invitation | invite |
island | it | its | itself |
Chữ J | |||
jacket | jam | jazz | jeans |
jewellery | job | join | journalist |
journey | juice | jump | jumper |
just |
Chữ K | |||
keep | key | keyboard | kick |
kilogramme | kilometre | kind | king |
kiss | kit | kitchen | kite |
knife | know |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ L
Chữ L | |||
lake | lamp | language | laptop |
large | last | late | later |
large | last | late | later |
latest | laugh | lazy | learn |
least | leather | leave | left |
left-hand | leg | lemon | lemonade |
lend | less | lesson | let |
letter | level | library | licence |
lie down | life | lift | light |
like | line | lion | list |
listen | litre | little | live |
living room | long | look | look after |
look at | look for | look out | lorry |
lose | lost | lots/a lot | loud |
love | lovely | low | luck |
lucky | luggage | lunch | lunchtime |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ M&N
Chữ M | |||
machine | mad | magazine | |
main course | make | make-up | man |
manager | mango | many | map |
mark | market | married | match |
maths/mathematics | matter | may | maybe |
me | meal | mean | meat |
mechanic | medicine | meet | meeting |
melon | member | memory | menu |
message | metre | midday | middle |
midnight | might | mile | milk |
million | mind | mine | mineral water |
minus | minute | mirror | Miss |
missing | mistake | mix | mobile (phone) |
model | modern | moment | money |
monkey | month | monthly | moon |
more | morning | most | mother |
motorbike | motorway | mountain | mouse |
mouth | move | movie theater | movie star |
MP3 player | Mr | Mrs | Ms |
much | mug | mum | museum |
mushroom | music | musical | musician |
must | my | myself |
Chữ N | |||
name | national | nationality | nature |
near | nearly | neck | necklace |
need | neighbour | net | never |
new | news | newspaper | next |
next to | nice | night | no |
nobody | noise | noisy | noon |
no one | normal | north | nose |
not | note | notebook | nothing |
notice | now | number | nurse |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ O, P & Q
Chữ O | |||
occupation | o’clock | of | of course |
off | offer | office | often |
oh | oil | OK | old |
omelette | on | once | one |
onion | online | only | open |
opera | opposite | orange | order |
other | our | ours | ourselves |
out | outdoors | out of | outside |
over | own |
Chữ P | |||
pack | page | pain | paint |
painter | painting | pale | pair |
paper | pardon | parent | park |
parking lot | part | partner | party |
pass | passenger | passport | past |
pasta | path | pay | PC |
pear | pen | pence | pencil |
pencil case | penfriend | penny | people |
pepper | per | perfect | perfume |
perhaps | person | pet | petrol |
petrol station | pharmacy | phone | photo |
photographer | photography | physics | piano |
pick up | picnic | picture | piece |
pillow | pilot | pink | pity |
pizza | place | plan | plane |
plant | plastic | plate | platform |
play | player | playground | pleasant |
please | pleased | plus | p.m |
point | police | police car | |
police officer | police station | polite | pool |
poor | pop | popular | possible |
possibly | post | postcard | poster |
post office | potato | pound | practice |
prefer | prepare | present | pretty |
price | printer | prize | |
probably | problem | program | pull |
pupil | purple | purse | push |
put | put on | puzzle |
Chữ Q | |||
quarter | queen | question | quick |
quickly | quiet | quite | quiz |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ R&S
Chữ R | |||
rabbit | race | racket | radio |
railway | rain | raincoat | rap |
read | reading | ready | real |
really | reason | receipt | receive |
receptionist | record | red | refrigerator |
remember | rent | repair | repeat |
rest | restaurant | return | rice |
rich | ride | right | right hand |
ring | river | road | roast |
rock | roof | room | round |
roundabout | rubber | rugby | ruler |
run | runner | running |
Chữ S | |||
sad | safe | sail | sailing |
salad | sale | salt | same |
sandwich | sauce | sausage | save |
school | schoolchild | science | scissors |
scooter | screen | sea | seat |
second | secretary | see | sell |
send | sentence | serve | set |
several | shall | shame | shampoo |
share | she | sheep | sheet |
shelf | ship | shirt | shoe |
shop | shop assistant | shopping | short |
shorts | should | shout | show |
shower | shut | sick | side |
sightseeing | sign | silver | simple |
since | sing | singer | singing |
single | sink | sister | sit |
sit down | site | sitting room | size |
skate | skateboard | skateboarding | skating |
ski | skiing | skirt | sky |
sleep | slice | slim | slow |
slowly | small | smoke | smoking |
snack | snow | snowboard | snowboarding |
so | soap | soccer | sock |
sofa | soft | software | some |
somebody | someone | something | sometimes |
somewhere | son | song | soon |
sorry | sort | sound | soup |
south | space | spare | speak |
speaker | special | spell | spelling |
spend | spoon | sport | sports centre |
spring | square | stadium | staff |
stage | stairs | stamp | stand |
star | start | station | stay |
steak | steal | still | stomach |
stomach ache | stop | store | storm |
story | straight | strange | street |
strong | student | studies | study |
subject | such | suddenly | sugar |
suit | suitcase | summer | sun |
sunglasses | sunny | supermarket | supper |
suppose | sure | surf | surfboard |
surfing | surname | surprise | surprised |
sweater | sweet | swim | swimming |
swimming costume | swimming pool | swimsuit |
Những từ bắt đầu bằng chữ T&còn lại
Chữ T | |||
table | table tennis | take | talk |
tall | taxi | tea | teach |
teacher | team | teenager | telephone |
television | tell | temperature | tennis |
tent | term | terrible | test |
text | textbook | text message | than |
thank | thanks | thank you | that |
the | theatre | their | theirs |
them | themselves | then | there |
these | they | thin | thing |
think | thirsty | this | those |
through | throw | thunderstorm | ticket |
tidy | tidy up | tie | tiger |
tights | till | time | timetable |
tired | to | toast | today |
toe | together | toilet | tomato |
tomorrow | tonight | too | tooth |
toothbrush | top | total | tour |
tour guide | tourist | towel | town |
toy | traffic | traffic light | train |
trainer | tram | travel | tree |
trip | trouble | trousers | true |
try | try on | T-shirt | turn |
turn off | turn on | twice | type |
tyre |
Chữ U | |||
umbrella | uncle | under | underground |
understand | unfortunately | unhappy | uniform |
university | until | unusual | up |
upset | upstairs | us | use |
useful | usual | usually |
Chữ V | |||
versus | variety | various | vegetable |
very | video | video game | view |
village | violin | visit | visitor |
vocabulary | volleyball |
Chữ W | |||
wait | waiter | waitress | wake |
wake up | walk | walking | wall |
wallet | want | warm | wash |
washing machine | washing-up | wash up | watch |
water | way | we | wear |
weather | web | web page | website |
week | weekday | weekend | weekly |
welcome | well | well known | west |
wet | what | wheel | when |
where | which | while | white |
who | whole | why | wide |
wife | wild | will | win |
wind | window | windsurfing | windy |
winner | winter | wish | with |
without | woman | wonderful | wood |
wooden | wool | word | work |
worker | world | worried | worry |
worse | worst | would | wow |
write | write down | writer | writing |
wrong |
Chữ Y | |||
yeah | year | yellow | yes |
yesterday | yet | yoghurt | you |
young | your | yours | yourself |
Chữ Z | |||
zero | zoo |