Bài nghe
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3. Nghe lại đến lúc bạn có thể hiểu được mà không cần transcript. (comment: Em đã hiểu 100%)
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(Chụp ảnh bản ghi từ vựng, cấu trúc mà các bạn học được, up lên nhóm)
Mark: OK. Shall we start with your interests? What do you like doing best?
Victoria: Ummm … well, I like photography. I’ve got a professional camera. So I take it quite seriously. But I can’t really imagine belonging to a club to take photographs. I usually go on long walks on my own and take photos. So I like photography, but I wouldn’t want to join a club to do it.
Mark: OK, so what else do you like doing? Running?
Victoria: Oh no! Not running! I like walking, but I hate running. I’m afraid the running club isn’t for me or the cycling club.
Mark: And film and drama?
Victoria: Ahh, no … It’s far too expensive. But I do like yoga. I’ve practised yoga on and off for years. How many members does the yoga club have?
Mark: It’s always a small group. A lot of people sign up at the beginning of the term, but they stop going after a few weeks. So they’re left with a few regular members every year.
Victoria: That sounds good. I think I’d like to join the yoga club. And what about the contemporary dance club? Is it expensive?
Mark: Contemporary dance? No, it’s not expensive. £10 for the term … Do you like dance?
Victoria: Well, I’ve never tried contemporary dance, but I do like jazz and tap dance. How often does the group meet?
Giải nghĩa transcript:
Dưới đây là phần giải nghĩa transcript, bạn xem qua xem có phần nào mình hiểu sai không. Những từ được in đậm là từ mới hoặc cụm từ thường gặp.
Mark: OK. Shall we start with your interests? What do you like doing best? (cấu trúc hay: bạn thích làm gì nhất?)
Victoria: Ummm … well, I like photography. I’ve got a professional camera. So I take it quite seriously (take smt seriously: coi việc gì là nghiêm túc). But I can’t really imagine belonging to a club (tưởng tượng (mình) thuộc về một clb, lưu ý cấu trúc: can’t imagine doing something) to take photographs. I usually go on long walks (cấu trúc: go on a walk: đi bộ) on my own (cấu trúc: tự mình) and take photos (chụp ảnh). So I like photography, but I wouldn’t want to (không muốn, giống như “don’t want to” nhưng nghe lịch sự hơn) join a club to do it.
Mark: OK, so what else do you like doing? Running?
Victoria: Oh no! Not running! I like walking, but I hate running. I’m afraid the running club isn’t for me (cấu trúc: something isn’t for me: cái gì đó là không dành cho mình) or the cycling club (clb đạp xe).
Mark: And film and drama (kịch)?
Victoria: Ahh, no … It’s far too expensive. But I do like yoga. I’ve practised yoga (Anh Mỹ: practice/do yoga) on and off (cấu trúc: lúc tập lúc nghỉ) for years. How many members does the yoga club have?
Mark: It’s always a small group. A lot of people sign up (đăng ký) at the beginning of the term, but they stop going after a few weeks. So they’re left with a few regular members (thành viên quen thuộc) every year.
Victoria: That sounds good. I think I’d like to join the yoga club. And what about the contemporary dance club (clb nhảy hiện đại)? Is it expensive?
Mark: Contemporary dance? No, it’s not expensive. £10 for the term … Do you like dance? (note: sai ngữ pháp, phải là: like dancing/to dance mới đúng)
Victoria: Well, I’ve never tried contemporary dance, but I do like jazz and tap dance (nhảy thiết hài, dùng giày tạo ra âm thanh khi nhảy). How often does the group meet?